Saturday, December 5, 2009

What is Twitter? Twitter 101

Twitter is a website requiring registration. Users must provide an email, a display name, and a requested URL (example: After registration, users are able to post short messages of 140 characters (or less), including spaces, punctuation, and symbols. One's Twitter account is able to be connected to Instant Messaging clients to act as a status message relayer, as well as Facebook, MySpace, and other Internet-connected accounts.

Usage of the @ (at) sign is used to direct messages towards a user. Example:

xoScience: @Engineering: Do you feel like ordering chips?

Users are able to "re-tweet", or "RT" messages from other users. Example:

Math: Numbers are fun.
xoScience: RT@Math: Numbers are fun.

Usage of the # (hashtag) serves the purpose of tagging a post. "Tagging" assigns the post a label, usually related to its topic.

xoScience: #Twitter seems to be down, so how am I able to post this?

Users are able to search for these messages, known as "tweets", via a search box or external search engines. They can search for users, tweets about themselves, or tweets relating to certain topics.

Search for: @Math
xoScience: Do you want to have lunch later today, @Math?
Engineering: @Math is being a real pain today.  

Math: RT @Math is being a real pain today.

Any terms of service violations, such as inappropriate content, harassment, or spam, may result in an account being suspended.

If a user does not want certain other users to be able to tweet them or view their profile, they are able to block them.

xo Science

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